Saturday, July 25, 2009

Pioneer Day!

Hurray for Pioneer Day!
Things you do when you get away in Park City for two nights...
  • Chill in the condo, and make treats
  • Enjoy the pool and hot tub
  • Learn to swim under the water on own (Hana did it!!!)
  • Mozy at a local Farmer's Market, and get a new belt (Scott will model it)
  • Find a local party and participate in all the fun free stuff...
  • ...face painting, fried chicken and corn, music, Utah's heritage.
  • Ride the Alpine Slide! Good times!
Check out the video of us going on the Alpine Slide!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

One of the BEST days ever!!!

Scott and I have really been wanting to take the kids on a really great hike up in Uintahs (our most favorite place to be!). So we decided on a hike that was about 2 or so miles with little lakes on the way, so as not to get bored. We would end up at the Clyde Lake, relax and fish and eat lunch, & maybe mozy over to Three Divide Lakes if we wanted before we headed back.

At Clyde Lake we relaxed and played for a couple hours. The kids found a fun little pond they named "The Little Mack's Lake" and played in their "clubhouse" right by it. Then Scott and I decided, from looking at the map, it would be fun to cut across and bush-wack to another trail to head back. It was SO beautiful!

We also LOVED teaching the kids about what we LOVE ... being in the mountains, hiking, and going into parts of the mountains that not too many people go. It was one of my BEST days!!!

The hike ended up being 6 miles long, total! And our kids walked to WHOLE way! We just can't stop being so amazed and so proud of wonderful kiddos!!!

Here are just a few of the amazing views we had as we hiked! WOW!
Can you spot Zephyr in this one above?

Friday, July 3, 2009

I figured it out!!!

For SO long I couldn't figure out why I could click on some of my collage pics I posted and I could see them bigger, and others I couldn't. Well, I figured out that when I export them directly from the collage pic after I create it in Picasa, it will enlarge if clicked on. If I export it from my pic library on Picasa it can't enlarge if clicked on. YEAH! I figured it out! (this post is for you Beck ;)