Saturday, July 25, 2009

Pioneer Day!

Hurray for Pioneer Day!
Things you do when you get away in Park City for two nights...
  • Chill in the condo, and make treats
  • Enjoy the pool and hot tub
  • Learn to swim under the water on own (Hana did it!!!)
  • Mozy at a local Farmer's Market, and get a new belt (Scott will model it)
  • Find a local party and participate in all the fun free stuff...
  • ...face painting, fried chicken and corn, music, Utah's heritage.
  • Ride the Alpine Slide! Good times!
Check out the video of us going on the Alpine Slide!


beck said...

cute! I was totally laughing at the video!

laurel said...

I'm just getting caught up on your blog - what a fun summer you've been having!