Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My Little Conrad & Shapes in the Clouds . . .

My little boy is hilarious and so dang smart!!! So I need to share this little story that happened today:

Conrad and I had just got out of the car and were heading to the front door to go in our house. I had just given him a couple gummy bears in the car and he ate them. As we were walking toward the door he was pointing at the clouds with his sword he carried.

Conrad said, "Yook, yike my tandy! Yike my tandy!" (Look, like my candy!) (note: all "L" sounds are "Y" sounds)

Me, "Where is candy?"

Conrad, "Der mom der!"

Me, "That big cloud or the tree?"

Conrad, "Da cyoud, yike da tandy in my tummy!"

Me, "Oh, the cloud looks like your candy? It looks like a bear?"

Conrad, "Yah mom, yike a bear! Yike my tandy bear in my tummy!"

Then we proceeded to look at the cloud.

I was amazed!!! He found a shape in the clouds all by himself! We have never tried to show him shapes in the clouds before. He is such a smarty! I love that kid! He is 2 1/2! I am amazed! I don't think Hana understood that stuff until just over a year ago or less. Wow! Both my kids amaze me every day, multiple times!!! I sure love 'em!


beck said...

That is the cutest story ever! You do have extremely smart kids too!

Marie {Make and Takes} said...

What a cutie patutie!! That cloud is awesome. We need to see that cute little Conrad soon!

Alex and Heather said...

That's so fun! We need to meet that little buggar. So, when's the next family reunion? Ur something...we gotta get together! Love ya!